links for 2010-11-26 - TSA Edition, Ep. 5: The Em-Tyner Strikes Back

links for 2010-11-25 - TSA Edition, Ep. 4: A New Grope

links for 2010-11-21 - TSA Edition, Ep. 3: Revenge of the Screeners

links for 2010-11-20 - TSA Edition, Ep. 2: Attack of the Backscatter

links for 2010-11-18 - The TSA Edition

links for 2010-11-10

links for 2010-11-06

links for 2010-11-03

links for 2010-10-21

  • "In God's hands, your mistakes are not open cuts, they are healed scars that tell stories of great hope. They are not wounds to lie about, they are words other people need to hear. They are warning signs on roads your friends and family and neighbors are on. They are lighthouses in the midst of stormy weather. They are neon signs he uses to point the way toward repentance."

    (tags: God love)

links for 2010-10-03

links for 2010-09-29

links for 2010-09-17

links for 2010-09-16

links for 2010-08-21

links for 2010-08-19

  • "Adoptees must attempt to make sense of a complex, deep matrix of circumstances, emotions and thoughts. It's not easy, not only because it's not easy, but also because most folks don't realize that it's not easy."

    (tags: adoption)

  • "Lucky? Lucky. Lucky to have been born on a continent terrorized by war, corruption and greed? Lucky to have been born in a country where 25,000 women and girls die each year due to pregnancy-related complications? Lucky to have been born in a country where more than half the population has ZERO access to basic medical care? Lucky to have been born in a region reliant upon rainfall and devastated by drought? [...] Lucky to have been in a room with at least eight other needy babies at any given time? Lucky to have been taken outside for "fresh air" once a day (week?) into a concrete courtyard? Lucky to have been held for feedings... and sometimes only for feedings? Lucky to have been in a Bumbo chair instead of a mother's arms? Lucky to have been taken by complete strangers to another continent 7000 miles away? Lucky to have been physically removed from his people, culture, history, language, customs?"

    (tags: adoption)

  • "Sometimes as the parent of an adopted child you get a lot of comments that are spoken innocently but come from a place of ignorance. Education is part of our job, but sometimes it gets a little frustrating.


    "The rescue and lucky mentality people have with orphans so easily overlooks the very real pain and trauma inherent in it all. It engenders a need for gratefulness and payback among the children that’s just unhealthy. It turns a blind eye to the reality of their situation and turns adoptive parents into superheros that we’re definitely not."

    (tags: adoption)

  • "Adoption is not lucky. ... It’s a very sticky point in adoption but it’s an important one for people to remember. Our children came to our family because there was a need. There is grief, loss, and sadness in their lives."

    (tags: adoption)

  • "[C]hildren playing in the water make noise. When they get quiet, you get to them and find out why."

links for 2010-08-16

links for 2010-08-15

  • "Twibbon is the easiest and most powerful way to promote awareness of your cause on Twitter and Facebook, engaging with users and increasing your Twitter followers and your Facebook fans."

    For future reference. Thanks, Dave!

links for 2010-08-03

links for 2010-08-02

links for 2010-07-28