One of the biggest problems with our politics today is the perceived need to “do something,” when the inherent design of our Constitution is to actually do very little and leave people alone.…
Surprised my youngest with our first-ever box lacrosse match, seeing @panthercitylax in action. He is super stoked.

Halfway through season one of #Reacher, and Finley’s “I hope you like .38 Special” is one of my favorite beats so far.
I’m starting to think The Book of #BobaFett is just a contest between Rodriguez, Howard, and Filoni to see who can top the others, with Favreau above them as the puppet master.
Look, Hendrix will always own the definitive version of “All Along the Watchtower,” but this rendition by Jay Howie is really great:…
Confession: if I happen to catch Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (the Gary Oldman version) while channel surfing, I’ll stop and watch, no matter where it is in the movie, until the end. It’s simply one of those films that is so nearly perfect in every facet of execution.
“…[A] man who wore the walk of hard grounds & lost days”
What a great line. From:…
(Link courtesy of @impudentearworm)
#RIP Meat Loaf…
(And do yourself a favor and check out the original album version on your music service of choice.)
Steve Vai, Ozzy, Saxon, The Scorpions, Aldo Nova, Quiet Riot, King’s X, Queensryche, and Stryper all either have new albums coming out in 2022 or have announced new albums for 2022. This is the kind of ’80s resurgence I am all in on!!
Well, this is some fantastic entertainment news!…
There’s a new episode of The Empowered Parent Podcast out. Ryan and I have a wandering conversation in which both Ted Lasso and Simon Sinek are discussed.…

If you lament Robert E. Howard leaving us too soon, with no more Conan stories, this is for you.
I’ve read the first two books in the saga, and David absolutely nails the style and aesthetic.…
Dogs are just the BEST, y’all.…