Not going to lie, I feel like this one is speaking directly to me.…

Major props to Enterprise for their upkeep on this RAV4. It had over 32,000 miles on it, and the car, inside and out, looks and feels like it’s no more than 3,000.

RAV4 XLE I’ve-had-it-3-hours review, cont’d: back seat šŸ‘ŽšŸ» (it’s a good thing my smaller children are sitting back there); cargo area šŸ‘šŸ» (very large capacity; maybe push back the rear seats a few inches); horn (yep, already had to use it) šŸ‘ŽšŸ» (sounds like a clown car).

Long story, but I’m driving a Toyota RAV4 XLE for a week. The I’ve-had-it-3-hours review: exterior looks, šŸ‘šŸ»; CarPlay šŸ‘šŸ»; A/C šŸ‘šŸ» (it’s Texas); driver’s seat šŸ‘ŽšŸ» (squishes the man parts); electrical idle cutoff šŸ‘ŽšŸ» (jerks entire car when brake is released); road noise šŸ‘šŸ»; engine noise šŸ‘ŽšŸ»

If you’re looking for quick news summary three times a week that doesn’t get bogged down in politics but keeps an eternal perspective, I cannot recommend The Pour Over highly enough:

Available as an email newsletter, or a podcast. (Or both!)

This remains a tremendous cinematic moment.…

The fact not a single response was “To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women.” shows a severe lack of culture in this day and age.…

There’s a new episode of the Big Fat Geek Podcast out! Chris and Nathan break radio silence to review the latest Batman release directed by Matt Reeves. Let us know your thoughts and give us a wi-fi high five for a new episode!…

Look at this find from Half Price Books today. Guess I know what I’m going to have Don sign for me next month.

The King is risen.…

Roman Soldier Assigned To Guard Tomb Of Some Jewish Carpenter Looking Forward To Uneventful Weekend…

Catching this American classic tonight. #Wolverines

It’s been a long-standing vision of the Rwandan ministry our family is involved with to build Hope Village, a trauma-informed place to help the most vulnerable in that society: the street kids. We learned today that all systems are now go! Praise God!…

Lunchtime reading acquired.…

This is such a specific Seinfeld reference, from early seasons, too, and Iā€™m loving it.…

Well of course Leo did a metal cover of Toto’s “Africa.”…

Somewhere, an alt-history writer is having an epiphany.…

This thread continues to amuse me.

“How do I say there is no way you are this ****ing stupid?” šŸ¤£…

Decided over the weekend that, after 24 years in Texas, it was past time for some cowboy boots. Major props to all the folks at the FOUR different Justin Boots buildings for all their kind help.

What am I watching?
