If I were still using Gmail, I would definitely jump on Mimestream: mimestream.com

That is just gorgeous. I would love to see something similar for @ProtonMail.

First Father’s Day in six years that I’m not at a hockey rink. Rather, the morning was spent cheering on this kid as he backstopped his #lacrosse team in net for the last tournament of the season. #LAX #LAXlife #LAXDad

“Smash your guitar during the 17th bridge of ‘Oceans’: Looks cool, and you never have to play ‘Oceans’ again.” 🤣 babylonbee.com/news/10-w…

Really, though, please don’t ever play “Oceans” again. Ever.

Oh noes. The replacement battery on my OG iPod may have finally died.

#GeekDad win: I have successfully sucked the middle child into the Dune-verse. We finished the 2021 film tonight, he is appalled it will be another year before part 2 is out. We shall soon commence the reading of the tome.

(And since there are NO OTHER DUNE BOOKS, it will be fine.)

The levels of hatred these folks manifest toward people trying to show there are options beyond abortion.

I pity them.


The fact that I can use the Command key on the Mac for both cool-switching between apps, and Cut/Copy/Paste, whereas I have to switch between Alt and Control on Windows for these same functions, the latter is such a real pain, figuratively, and some times literally.

This popped in my head earlier, so you can share in the earworm, too: youtu.be/0u8teXR8V…

Bonus: Milton Berle, and…Milton Berle.

Over the past couple of days, I have rediscovered the joy of my Takeya hydro-flask. The ice retention capabilities of this thing blows away my Yetis. I need to order a smaller one, though; the one I have is the 32-ounce monster.

With the youngest at a sleepover for a friend’s birthday, I introduced the original #TopGun to the two teenagers tonight. Their verdict: despite some moments of “cheesiness,” it is “alright.”

I’ll take it.

Do your kids love doing chores? If so, count yourself blessed. Otherwise, check out the latest episode of The Empowered Parent Podcast: empoweredparent.podbean.com/e/2022060…

I’ve been to the Sheldrick center in Kenya. Fascinating place, and had a baby elephant* lean on me while it was getting loved on by complete strangers.

*Being leaned on by a baby elephant is still propping up an enormous amount of weight. twitter.com/Maladroit…

I feel attacked.


Thirty years

Thirty years ago today.

Feels like the blink of an eye some times.

Given the journey together up to now, the next 30 years should be interesting to say the least! Love you, Kelly!

Thirty years ago today.

Feels like the blink of an eye some times.

Given the journey together up to now, the next 30 years should be interesting to say the least! Love you, Kelly!

Former teammates, still friends, meet again on the #lacrosse fields. First time they’ve seen one another in over a year. #LAX #LAXlife

Amen and amen.

Oh, but to again have the energy of an 11 year-old who just played three #lacrosse tournament games in the summer heat, had lunch, and is now off to play with neighborhood friends.

Meanwhile, I need a nap.


If, like me, you adore Johnny Cash’s rendition of the traditional American spiritual, “God’s Gonna Cut You Down,” but thought what might a kick-butt metal version sound like, well, the boys in @3DaysUnder have us covered: youtu.be/qv5uIi8-v…

Always and forever “To Hell with the Devil,” but I admit there’s a lot of teenage nostalgia at play there.

“Yahweh” is a killer track to open a show with.
