Today’s @halfpricebooks find: large paperback edition of @wardlarsen’s first David Slaton book. Perfect for the re-read I have planned. (It’s been a long while.)

I am ashamed to admit it, but me, too.…
Likewise, @markgreaneybook’s catalog is deep enough he nearly has his own, too. At the moment, @jackcarrusa and @bentleydonb are sharing space, with a slot for @mccloskeybooks' debut after I finish reading it. And I’ll need to make room for @jackstewartbook at some point.
I have done something similar, with authors I know on Twitter, or have met in person. Given his productivity, @robkroese pretty much has his own shelf.…
For the record, Top Gun: Maverick is just as good the second time around.
If you haven’t seen this on the big screen, do so before it’s pulled.
Last night was another great show by @TheDollyrots! If you ever get the chance to see them, I highly recommend it. Just a fun pop-punk show.
My niece-by-choice Tori put her considerable art skills to work with a drawing she did of Kelly and Luis, which they both loved. And have you ever been chased down by the lead singer of a band to sign her jacket? Tori has.
This band’s appreciation of its fans continues to amaze me. Go see them!
Hey-ho, hey-ho, hey-ho! We’re heading out to @TheDollyrots punk rock show!

I have read the first two books, and they’re awesome. This is a great deal.…
On the way to the @Rangers game with my sweetie & some friends. First time we’ll be seeing the new ballpark, and first time I get to see @tweetgrubes in a few years!
I highly recommend his Brutal saga if you like sword and sorcery fiction. You’d swear you were reading Howard himself.…
I cannot tell you how badly I wanted this car when I was teenager.…
No doubt you’ve spent more on coffee than that, and the long-lasting effects will not be nearly as enjoyable. This is a great, fun read. The poem at the end is worth the price of admission alone.…
This is so good, I listened to it this second time around. Don is so open and honest, some of his emotions still so raw, heck, I got choked up. Definitely a recommended listen.…
Great, fun read, definitely recommend the Mammon series.…
It’s difficult to take the warning seriously when the minions of Lucifer are so darn cute.…