Alright, since Apple broke the noise cancelation in the AirPods Pro, is there anything better for the same price out there?
I am old enough to remember when Apple still assembled Macs in California and in Ireland. I bought Macs made in those places.
It’s good for Apple to be looking at getting out of China, but it could at least look into bringing manufacturing back to the same hemisphere as their headquarters.
Game day for High Point Hockey in Knoxville as they take on Tennessee. Rooting for our hockey player in his third outing of the season.…

The Dallas Stars need to dump the garish, all-“Victory” green jerseys and make these reverse retro unis their full-time dark attire. So sharp.
Today was repping Stryper, but tomorrow will be time to promote the release of Les Carlsen’s new album, “He’s Coming!”

“Tim Cook Says He’s Ready To Pull Twitter From App Store Once President Xi Gives The Order”…
Once again, satire hits hard.
We were picked to finish last or next-to-last. Instead, #LSU beat Bama and won the SEC West. We over-achieved per expectations. Players bought in to the system. Now they need to develop within it. Future looks good. #GeauxTigers
It’s a game played by kids, half of them teenagers. Hormones. Brains not fully developed. There are perfect games, and there are absolute duds.
Don’t let your happiness be dictated by the outcome of such. Enjoy it for what it is. There’s always next season. #ForeverLSU
ESPN taking lessons from CBS on how to unnecessarily extend a college football game in this #LSU - TAMU contest…
Calling your movie “the motion picture event of a generation” before it’s even released is a sure-fire way for me to not to pay to see it. #Avatar2
This is some masterful trolling of the highest order.
(Wave of the phin to @brentmckinney.)
Hey @nfl, this isn’t the Super Bowl. It’s Thanksgiving Day games. Enough with the extended live music halftimes. Get back to football.
You know, the word that stands for that middle initial?
Like, I don’t think Beckham is acting at all. I think you see his genuine frustration in having to be in a commercial with Peyton Manning.
Vandy just beat Florida in Nashville for the first time since 1988.
I was a freshman in college.
I unapologetically love the opening of Avenged Sevenfold’s “Hail to the King,” the way they build it one instrument at a time, layering one on another, until you get Johnny’s bass dropping just over 50 seconds in. Great stuff.…