[vimeo 34960363 w=250 h=141]
Getting some real laughs.
Of course, his giggles here aren’t nearly as hearty as they were just seconds before, before the camera made an appearance. Still, pretty great.
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The Joy of Books.
Try that with your Kindle library.
[via my sister on Facebook]
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Yet one more reason I love SIGs.
And yes, I really want one of these.
2012 BCS Championship Trailer [LSU vs. Alabama]
So you think you can’t want victory even more? After watching the first 1:05 of this video, you will.
We want it. We need it. GEAUX TIGERS!!!
Needless to say, I’m a bit pumped for tonight.
Studio 60 O Holy Night (by Oceandreams313)
Look, I get it, not everyone liked Studio 60. It wasn’t as even or as steady as West Wing, and for that it was (unjustly) pilloried. But, if there’s one hour of it that you should watch it’s “The Christmas Episode” if just for this scene, in its whole context.
Follow it up with Pahrump. Trust me.
My wife and I watched Studio 60 and were disappointed when it was cancelled. This is easily the scene I remember most, and I would have to say is my favorite of the short-lived series.
Landscapes: Volume Two
By Dustin Farrell.
Stunningly gorgeous. Captivating. There are not enough words to describe the majesty of God’s creation captured here. I’ve watched this thing five times in a row now, before posting to it here.
If you’ve got a great monitor that supports 1080p, watch it full screen. I did so on my 27-inch iMac, and it blew me away.
[vimeo 30113757 w=250 h=141]
On October 4, 2011, I went with some friends to see Frank Turner at The Loft in Dallas. We’d discovered Frank the year before, when he was one of the opening acts for Social Distortion, and he put on a great show. Then we dove into his music and fell in love with it.
So when Frank got his own headlining tour, we got tickets as soon as was possible.
Frank’s best-known song is “Photosynthesis” (iTunes link) and he closed the show with it. This is the edited cut, where I deleted about 5 minutes worth in the middle of the video, of introducing the band and ginning the crowd up.
Please forgive the frequent out-of-focusing; the dim and changing lighting, not to mention the band’s motion on stage, made it difficult for my little Canon point-and-shoot.
[vimeo 27177622 w=250 h=141]
You may not be able to hear it, but there was music they were dancing to.
Alas, seconds later Davis would accidentally smack Sam’s head on the table and the evening went rapidly downhill.
[vimeo 23237102 w=250 h=141]
“Timelapse - The City Limits” by Dominic Boudrealt
Good musical choice by Dominic. “Time” by Hans Zimmer. Great editing.
[vimeo 25008894 w=250 h=188]
Used the Super 8 app on my iPhone to shoot video of Kelly and Samuel singing “The Wheels on the Bus” while we were eating out.
Endeavor Lifts Off on Its Last Mission
Courtesy of spacevideo, in case, like yours truly, you missed watching it live.