So I picked up a care package from @rackspace today. Thanks, Shaggy! (cc: @gapingvoid) (Taken with Instagram)

Loving Longmire
tbridge replied to your photo: Some books just demand to be read in print. on…
BTW - have you been watching the show Longmire? Anxious for your thoughts, as I find the show entrancing.
Yes, I’ve been watching the show. It started when we were in Florida for vacation last month, so I had to get caught up a couple of weeks later. I had actually started the first book in the series a couple of weeks prior to vacation, but it was the third book in my then reading queue and didn’t get much attention. Since the series began, and my interest piqued, it’s been getting the number-one slot.
I think they’ve done a superb job with the show, especially the cast, though it’s very interesting picking out all the differences between book and television. For one, in the book, Vic is olive-skinned and dark-haired, but Katie Sackoff nails the character otherwise, in my opinion. The Ferg isn’t quite the doofus portrayed on the show, and there is no “Branch” Connolly. (He goes by Turk, and as of the first book, isn’t running against Longmire.) While the show doesn’t go into the backgrounds the way a book can, Lou Diamond Phillips is a perfect choice for Henry.
If you’re liking the show, I highly recommend the first book (since that’s the only one I’ve done any reading in thus far).
Some books just demand to be read in print. on Flickr.
While I have wholeheartedly bought into e-book reading, there are still many times when I like the feel of a dead-tree edition in my hands. And it seems there are some books that are just written for the printed page, rather than a screen. Craig Johnson’s Walt Longmire series falls into that category for me.

Ronald Reagan Riding a Velociraptor by *SharpWriter on deviantART
Ronald Reagan Riding a Velociraptor by *SharpWriter on deviantART
The Velociraptor is carrying an American flag. And Reagan is firing an automatic weapon.
Because: America!
There are some little touches in this that make it even more awesome than the big premise Tom notes.
My wife won a blog contest for a free family portrait session a couple of months ago, so toward the end of May we set off for Stone Creek Park, in Flower Mound, Texas.

Laws that forbid the carrying of arms … disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes… Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.
When you’re a Tiger, challenges aren’t trouble. They’re hors d’oeuvres.