[youtube www.youtube.com/watch
Rambo the Octopus Photographs Guests at the Kelly Tarlton’s Sea Life Aquarium in Auckland, New Zealand
Yeah, it’s a promo for Sony’s digital camera, but still pretty cool.
[youtube www.youtube.com/watch
Incensed Cat Pushes a Noisily Barking Dog into the Swimming Pool Beside Them
Cats: minions of Lucifer.
Fearful Dachshund Accidentally Falls Into a Lake While Fleeing an Errant Shopping Bag
I laughed at just the headline. Poor little thing.
McQuarrie Monday - Classic McQuarrie poster art before the 1977 release of A New Hope.
“Removes all known adware from your Mac. It is very simple to use, and should clean up your system in less than a minute, from start to finish. Just open the app, click the Scan for Adware button, and remove anything that is detected. That’s it!”
Should we be concerned that in China they have developed a shape-shifting liquid metal?
Between the shape-shifting liquid metal in China, and the robots in Japan, it’s probably easy odds in Vegas that our robot overlords will be the fault of our Far East brothers and sisters.
Privacy Badger
“Privacy Badger is a browser add-on that stops advertisers and other third-party trackers from secretly tracking where you go and what pages you look at on the web. If an advertiser seems to be tracking you across multiple websites without your permission, Privacy Badger automatically blocks that advertiser from loading any more content in your browser. To the advertiser, it’s like you suddenly disappeared.”
Unfortunately, not currently available for Safari.
HTTPS Everywhere
“HTTPS Everywhere is a Firefox, Chrome, and Opera extension that encrypts your communications with many major websites, making your browsing more secure.”
How to ditch Google for more privacy and fewer ads
How to ditch Google for more privacy and fewer ads
Nice workup on getting off the Google train. I still have a Gmail account, but never use it. If I didn’t have my own domains, and e-mail to go with them, I would be on FastMail. I have heard nothing but good things about the service, and US $40/year for 15GB of storage, plus all their other features, is a great deal.
I’ve been using DuckDuckGo exclusively as my search engine for quite a while now. The service has gotten much better from its early days, when I still had to go back to Google some times to find the link I was looking for. My backup these days is Bing. Microsoft is slightly less scary than Google only because they are not interested (yet) in selling my search data to advertisers.
ifo Apple Store shutting down
The site isn’t going away, but Gary Allen is ceasing new updates on the best tracking site of Apple retail sites outside (and possibly inside) Apple itself:
After following Apple retail for 14 years, I’ve reached a happy ending, and am gracefully backing away from the crazy world of following the company and its stores. No more stories or analysis, or flying out to far-flung locations to join overnight crowds,waiting for the excitement of new store opening (NSO). I began this Web site as simply a way of celebrating the fun of grand openings and the close friendship of the people I met when I arrived in a new country or city.
Gary was kind enough to include this shot of mine, of the original Knox Street (Dallas) storefront, on the store’s original page on the site.
Gary still links to my full photo album of the Knox Street opening in the store’s listing (#52), and for that, I remain humbled and grateful for the inclusion of my photos in his grand work.
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Hockey Sounds from Scott Duffy on Vimeo.
Although I’m looking forward to spring/summer, I’ll be sad to see our backyard rink go. It’s been another great winter for outdoor skating and my two boys took full advantage. Despite getting his butt kicked by his older brother, my youngest son’s skating drastically improved over the last 3 months. No children were harmed during the filming of this video. Thanks to my wife Kelli for helping me shoot this past weekend and for putting up with my non-stop camera obsession. In this (quick cut style) video, either a person, object or thing is centered in every scene. Here’s a whole bunch of good ol’ Canadian hockey in under one minute. Crank it up on a good sound system or use headphones for a better overall viewing experience.
Shot using a Blackmagic Pocket Camera, edited with FCPX and coloured with DaVinci Resolve.Music by: Matt Bauer “Western States” (myspace.com/mattbauer) Downloaded from the Vimeo Music Store vimeo.com/musicstore
Created for the Weekend Challenge: vimeo.com/groups/weekendchallenge
Via Betsy Langowski by way of Eric Blair.
The Smartest Things Ever Said About Facebook
The Smartest Things Ever Said About Facebook
I really want to spend less time on Facebook. I really need to cull the people I’m following (not necessarily whom I’m friends with; see what I did there?) so as to tidy up the timeline. At least I’m still mostly reactive to Facebook. My posting of any original content has dropped dramatically, especially since I severed the auto-posting tether from Twitter.To commemorate the demise of my Facebook account, and the myriad of questions people usually have about why, here’s some of my favorite quotes on Facebook:
“Facebook seems like a terrific way to stay in touch with people who don’t have the sense to quit dicking around on Facebook.” - Merlin…
Unfortunately, there are people I truly care about scattered about the land, and Facebook remains, for all its ills and evils, the only place to interact with some of them.