
Photo credit: Muhammed Muhelsin/AP

Caption: AP photojournalist Muhammed Muheisen continues to document the daily life of the poor and dispossessed in Pakistan with a compassionate and gentle eye. Here Afghan refugee children play on wooden carts on the outskirts of Islamabad.

Found at The Guardian.


Artist of the Week - Christopher Moeller


Here’s your first look at the cover of William Shakespeare’s The Jedi Doth Return by Ian Doescher. 

I haven’t finished the first one, but I’ve loved it so far. And yes, I’ve even been reading some of it aloud, when no one’s around. The Empire Striketh Back should arrive soon, and this one’s already been pre-ordered.

Dumb — Shawn Blanc

Dumb — Shawn Blanc


This concept art by Dave Filoni hits us right in the feels.

If we’re to take the “collective right” explanation on its face, then the Second Amendment created a right that the states are powerless to execute, that the Federal government has no duty to provide, and that would be useless and oxymoronic if the latter did so anyway. If one spends five minutes thinking about the “collective right” theory, it quickly becomes apparent that the individual right is the only one that can possibly function appropriately, and is thus the only right that the amendment was ever intended to protect. To put it bluntly, the “collective right” approach makes no sense.


Artist of the Week - Cliff Chiang



Jimmy & The Muppets Say Goodbye To “Late Night” (w/ “The Weight” from “The Last Waltz”) (by Late Night with Jimmy Fallon)

I didn’t want to like Jimmy Fallon. I didn’t. But then I realized I was totally wrong, and this guy was awesome.

Because Muppets.



Rhea and Titan together, taken by Cassini on December 10, 2011, processed by Gordan Ugarkovic

That’s stunning.


Baby, it’s cold outside. 

From a couple of weeks ago, but what a great shot.


What happens when Ice Cube, Kevin Hart, and Conan O'Brien share a Lyft car?



Anything Goes

No time for love, Doctor Jones.

Because it’s Indiana Jones, that’s why.




“I love that she’s unapologetically badass. There’s no back-story trying to explain something horrible that happened to her that explains who she is. No, that’s just who she is. She just is this person; no explanation needed. Just like men—when a male character comes on screen and is a badass, you just accept it. And I’m hoping that’s what fans do with Rosa. She is who she is and she just doesn’t give a shit.”- Stephanie Beatriz on her character, Rosa Diaz, in Brooklyn Nine-Nine

I may need to watch this.

One of the few shows I’m actually actively watching, and it’s actually a family show.

Yes, you should watch this. Diverse cast, non-traditional roles, humor from character, not from cliché.

My opinion, of course; YMMV.

I wasn’t sure I was going to make it with this show. The first couple of episodes were very rough. But it seems to have found its groove, and I find myself laughing more as the season has progressed.

And Stephanie’s character is my absolute favorite, followed closely by Andre Braugher’s.

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Opt out of Dropbox's arbitration clause