Worst Nightmare: Terror group sells kidnapped girls
(Photo: Afolabi Sotunde / Reuters)
Mothers marched Wednesday in Nigeria to protest government inaction more than two weeks after 200 school girls were kidnapped by Boko Haram terrorists.
One of those situations that makes me feel so angry, so helpless, and so powerless, so of course those last two only drive the anger more. What can we do? And by “we”, I mean our government? The world’s governments? Anything?
(See what I mean about the helplessness and powerless?)
Chemical warfare in Syria
Reporters for “Le Monde” spent two months clandestinely in the Damascus area alongside Syrian rebels. On the scene during chemical weapons attacks, they bear witness to the use of toxic arms by the government.This article contains graphic descriptions and some very powerful and disturbing photographs. You have been warned.
One the one hand, something must be done. On the other hand, what that something should be isn’t all that clear. For now, prayers for those affected, which doesn’t feel sufficient, is all we can offer.