Funny library signs.
I kinda wanna know what happened with the oreos…
It’s a mystery of the universe.
this is wonderful
Don’t underestimate the power of reading… Pre-order your copy of Goodnight Darth Vader™ today!
Click here to download a printable PDF of this poster on our blog.
Me too.
Should really use our library more. Especially for the boys.
Ten questions to ask a friend who just read your novel
Ten questions to ask a friend who just read your novel
Found this article. Found it incredibly helpful. Be sure to go read the full story, but these are the ten questions the author (Lydia Netzer) covers in it:
1. At what point did you feel like “Ah, now the story has really begun!”
2. What were the points where you found yourself skimming?
3. Which setting in the book was clearest to you as you were reading it? Which do you remember the best?
4. Which character would you most like to meet and get to know?
5. What was the most suspenseful moment in the book?
6. If you had to pick one character to get rid of, who would you axe?
7. Was there a situation in the novel that reminded you of something in your own life?
8. Where did you stop reading, the first time you cracked open the manuscript? (Can show you where your first dull part is, and help you fix your pacing.)
9. What was the last book you read, before this? And what did you think of it? (This can put their comments in context in surprising ways, when you find out what their general interests are. It might surprise you.)
10. Finish this sentence: “I kept reading because…”Some of this could be easily adapted into roleplay critiques, though it’s primary use is, of course, novel writing.
Note to self: must adapt plans for future home library.
Read widely, and without apology. Read what you want to read, not what someone tells you you should read.
Vader’s Little Princess: In this irresistibly funny follow-up to the breakout bestseller Darth Vader™ and Son, Vader—Sith Lord and leader of the Galactic Empire—now faces the trials, joys, and mood swings of raising his daughter Leia as she grows from a sweet little girl into a rebellious teenager.
Order your copy today for 30% off + Free Shipping at!
We have all boys, but I’m still buying this book.
It’s World Read Aloud Day! Pledge to read a book to a child today, because… Reading, it’s our only hope.
Download and print your own free PDF of this 11x17 poster here.
Preorder your copy of Vader’s Little Princess, Jeffrey Brown’s new follow-up to the runaway hit, Darth Vader and Son.
I wish I could say my online silence today was out of deference to my fellow Americans who lost their lives on this date eleven years ago, but honestly I was just reading this. All of it.
(It was released today, appearing some time overnight on my Kindle.)