By Jeff Sheldon
photos from dubai’s 828 meter tall burj khalifa (save the first and last photos, which show the building) by (click pic) daniel cheong, karim nafatni, bjoern lauen and dave alexander. duabai only experiences this in september and march, when seasonal changes in temperature creates an abundance of early morning fog. (see also: fog over new york, london and chicago)
海之聲 Road to the Paradise by Bibi Paradise on Flickr.
Broadway Tower by tich66 on Flickr.
Valley of Colour by Sam_C_Moore on Flickr.
Big Hero 6 Baymax trooper helmet by Juan E. Hernandez from Star Wars Legion art exhibit.
I haz the sadz. on Flickr.
Beautiful day lead to beautiful night at the ball park. on Flickr.
It’s a beautiful (though HOT) day for a ball game. on Flickr.