I seem to recall a documentary about something like this with Kurt Russell in the early ’80s and the solution is to KILL IT WITH FIRE. gizmodo.com/antarctic…

Four New Species of Deep-Sea Killer Sponge Discovered

Four New Species of Deep-Sea Killer Sponge Discovered



Heading out. 


Burning Dream by Jonathan J Scott on Flickr.


Crater Lake, Oregon, USA

by Nagesh Mahadev


Road Trip - Day #10 - MT by numero B on Flickr.

Lightning from the Wedge by Summit42 on Flickr.

“This is a 10 min stack taken a few nights ago at the Wedge Overlook in the San Rafael Swell … at one point I counted 24 strikes in just 30 seconds.”

Beautiful and amazing.

Serenity by Bergen64 on Flickr.


From atop Rendezvous Mountain (Taken with picplz.)


Outside our front door. (Taken with picplz.)