links for 2009-03-03
Major kudos to CEO Michael Hyatt and the Thomas Nelson team for leading the way with this. Buy the physical book, and you get the audio version and e-book free.
links for 2009-03-02
This web app is intended to keep one's focus on the writing, with negative consequences if one stops. You tell it how many words you want to get written, and you set the consequence level of the grace period. ("Strict" by default, the middle choice, with "Forgiving" and "Evil" on either side.) How evil is "Evil"? If you stop writing, after a certain amount of time, your work will begin unwriting itself!
There is no save function; you'll need to select all, copy, and paste into your own text editor to save any work. NaNoWriMo participants may want to bookmark this one for November.
"A group of liberal bloggers said it is teaming up with organized labor and MoveOn to form a political action committee that will seek to push the Democratic Party farther to the left.
"Soliciting donations from their readers, the bloggers said they are planning to recruit liberal candidates for challenges against more centrist Democrats currently in Congress."
"Freedom is an application that disables networking on an Apple computer for up to eight hours at a time. Freedom will free you from the distractions of the internet, allowing you time to code, write, or create. At the end of your selected offline period, Freedom re-enables your network, restoring everything as normal.
"Freedom enforces freedom; a reboot is the only circumvention of the Freedom time limit you specify. The hassle of rebooting means you're less likely to cheat, and you'll be more productive."
links for 2009-03-01
"Who do you talk to most often on Twitter? Who are your closest friends? What does your social network look like?"
"Humor helps preserve our sanity. It provides a medium for gentle reprimand. And it teaches us to take ourselves less seriously. But we must never forget that good humor never diminishes the reality of suffering."
"In this world, tragedy temporarily has the upper hand. We cannot pretend that humor can solve our tragic position, but we can learn to laugh even within the pain, if we follow Christ’s example. Christ was joyful, not because He had nothing over which to sorrow, but rather because He knew that He would one day conquer the powers of darkness and make all things right."
links for 2009-02-28
"This script provides a fast way of adding new tasks to a Taskpaper document without leaving the current context and switching to the Taskpaper application.
"It works for both Quicksilver and Launchbar." -
A bit of common sense (all writers are different and write in different ways), with some insight into how Miller views the post-writing publishing process.
Really for those willing to spend big bucks for more in-demand domains.
links for 2009-02-26
"I've never found it very easy to choose which theme to use when constructing a book in iPhoto. Part of the problem is that the sample pages that the program shows you when you choose the theme don't give you nearly enough details. If you want more details, you've come to the right place. On this web site, you'll find an exhaustive desription of each iPhoto book theme, complete with examples of each type of layout that is possible within each theme.
"Even if you don't want quite so much information, the first few paragraphs about each theme can give you a summarized idea of the possibilities available within each one: the general feel of the layout, how many photos you can put on a page, what fonts are used, what text options are available, and more." -
'Before taking office, President-elect Barack Obama declared, "There is no disagreement that we need action by our government, a recovery plan that will help to jumpstart the economy." Vice President Joe Biden added recently, "Every economist, as I've said, from conservative to liberal, acknowledges that direct government spending on a direct program now is the best way to infuse economic growth and create jobs."
'Despite the administration's efforts to stamp out opposition, however, the Cato Institute compiled an impressive list of economists who disagree with the DC strategy of Keynesian spending to help the economy.'
links for 2009-02-25
"My name is Mike Kobold, I'm a watchmaker and an armchair explorer. Unlike some of the hard-core professionals who wear my watches -divers, astronauts and explorers- I'm pretty much just a regular guy. Like most people, I have downfalls, shortcomings, and a number of irrational fears. For one, I'm scared of heights and am therefore risk-averse. I have ADD and am mildly dyslexic. Food is my downfall and I eat considerably more chocolate than anyone should. My job is sedentary and so is my lifestyle.
"Yet I've made it my goal to climb to the summit of Mount Everest. How do I go from here to there? Training and nutrition only get you so far, which is why I'm having to learn to control my fears and to overcome my weaknesses. My goal is to raise money for the Navy SEAL Warrior Fund. Because even a regular guy should do his part to help those who have risked their lives in the line of duty."
links for 2009-02-24
Just in case you've ever wondered what the corporate line is on this matter. (I'm a very satisfied Tom Bihn customer. I've had one of their Brain Bag backpacks for years, and it's still my favorite pack.)
links for 2009-02-22
"[Photographer] Jason [Hawkes] shot these images with a camera attached to gyro-stabilized mounts from a Eurocopter AS355, hired out at around £1150 (GBP) per hour, using Nikon gear and either a 14-24mm or a 70-200mm lens."
links for 2009-02-19
"I figured that many people would benefit from a thorough overview on how to protect your privacy on Facebook. Below is a step by step process for protecting your privacy."
And speaking of the Muslim Brotherhood....
'A former FBI special agent sounds the alarm about the stealth jihad. The Muslim Brotherhood is dedicated in its own words to "a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions."'
links for 2009-02-11
"When it comes to your health, you can't believe everything you hear. And if you get the wrong information, it can have dangerous consequences."
If you find yourself butting up against Twitter's 140-character limit, you can always use 140it to trim your message down, including shortening URLs. There's even a handy bookmarklet, so you don't even have to go to the 140it site itself.
I'm saving this for the next time I get that open-a-coffee-house/Mac-tech-shop urge.
They had me at Watchmen + Latin.
links for 2009-02-02
the iconmaster » Shortening URLs from NetNewsWire An AppleScript which will take the selected headline in NetNewsWire and fetch an URL, placing it in the clipboard. Handy for passing off URLs from NetNewsWire to Twitter. (tags: AppleScript NetNewsWire scripting Twitter url)
Today's phischbits
Digital Natives » Fine-Tuning Facebook: A Field Trip through Privacy Controls
This may be old news for some, but if you haven't tip-toed through your Facebook account's privacy settings lately, this is a good guide.
Tags: facebook, privacy, security
Recovery of US Airways 1549 from Hudson River (PICS) | ReasonPad
How do out get an airliner out of a river? Easy. (1) You need a big barge. (2) You need a big crane. (3) You need someone to document the recovery.
Tags: aircraft, photo
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Today's phischbits
The Inauguration of President Barack Obama - The Big Picture -
Excellent photos from Inauguration Day 2009. I found the last one, of the folder on the Resolute Desk, particularly poignant. For some inexplicable reason, it's my favorite of the bunch.
Tags: inauguration, politics, president
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Today's phischbits
NASA - NASA Kids' Club
Fun games and other activities for kids from our nation's space agency.
Tags: child, children, fun, game, learning, nasa, space
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Today's phischbits
Ries Robb Maker Of Fine Mission Style Furniture
"Ries Robb ownes and operates Ries Robb Woodworking, making reproduction and custom arts and crafts furniture."
Local to me (Dallas/Fort Worth), and I love Mission style furniture, so this is for future reference.
Tags: furniture
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Today's phischbits
Clashing Civilizations by Mark Steyn on National Review Online
"In Gaza, they don’t vote for Hamas because they want access to university education."
Tags: gaza, hamas, islam, israel, terrorism
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Today's phischbits
Walter E. Williams : Teaching Economics -
"Learning how to think straight, as opposed to what values and opinions to hold, is the crucial part of education. Part of that learning is to be able to understand the distinction between subjective statements, for which there are no commonly accepted standards of proof, and positive statements for which there are."
Tags: economics, education, freedom, liberty
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Today's phischbits Dallas/Ft. Worth Gun Shows
"This site is a compilation of gun show dates around the Dallas and Fort Worth area. I originally created the listing for my own purposes as there was not a single source for all gun shows in the area. All of the listed dates were taken from the websites listed for each show."
Tags: dallas, firearms, fort worth, texas
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Today's phischbits
Digital Domain - What Carriers Aren’t Eager to Tell You About Texting -
Professor Keshav said that once a carrier invests in the centralized storage equipment -- storing a terabyte now costs only $100 and is dropping -- and the staff to maintain it, its costs are basically covered. “Operating costs are relatively insensitive to volume,” he said. “It doesn’t cost the carrier much more to transmit a hundred million messages than a million.”
UNTIL Mr. Kohl began his inquiries, the public had no reason to think of the text-messaging business as anything but an ordinary one, whose operational costs rose in tandem with message volume. The carriers had no reason to correct such an impression.
Tags: communication, phone, text messaging
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