And the left wants government-managed health care? Part II

Detailing the woes GM is facing in providing health care to only 160,000 current workers, but 1 million others, Jeff Jacoby provides a microcosm of the problems the citizenry would face should health-care fall under the purview of the government.

GM's hourly workers undoubtedly have a sweet deal -- who wouldn't love health insurance that comes with a $0 deductible and no premiums? But such sweet deals drive up the cost of health care for everyone. When somebody else is picking up the tab, there is little incentive to economize -- that is as true of medical care as of anything else. The price of prescription drugs, hospital stays, and medical procedures has skyrocketed in part because tens of millions of Americans are insured through their employers with low-deductible medical plans. Why not run to the doctor for every minor ailment when the out-of-pocket cost to do so is minimal? Why inquire whether a procedure can be performed less expensively when it'll be covered by insurance either way?

In no other area do we rely on insurance for routine expenses or repairs. Auto insurance doesn't cover oil changes; no one uses homeowner's insurance to repoint the chimney. That's because most of us pay for those policies ourselves, and therefore get only the insurance we really need -- generally against catastrophic events, like a car being stolen or a house burning down.

Only when it comes to health care do we expect insurance to cover nearly everything.

And the left wants government-managed health care?

John Stossel:

But today, people expect insurance to cover everything, even routine things like eyeglasses and dental treatment. This is a terrible idea. Insurance is a lousy way to pay for anything.

Once some faceless stranger is paying for what you do, you don't have an incentive to control costs. On the contrary, you have an incentive to get as much as you can and leave the other person with the bill. Doctors also have an incentive to run up the bills. Patients rarely complain, but they might complain if the doctor skips a test. Insurance companies know this, of course; hence the torturous bureaucracy: the paperwork, the phone calls where you beg them to pay, the times they refuse to pay for what you thought was covered.

I can't blame them. They're just trying to protect themselves from fraud and hoping to have enough money left over to stay in business.

Government insurance is worse than private insurance. A private insurer has an incentive to cut costs; every dollar wasted comes out of profit or must be recovered by raising prices, which drives customers away. Government just raises taxes or increases debt.

So when our bloated government picks up the tab for poor people's health costs, guess what it buys: Viagra! In 2004, Medicaid spent $38 million on drugs for erectile dysfunction. Funny. I always thought one of the Left's battle cries was for the government to stay out of the private citizen's bedroom. Here's a great place to start.

Shapiro's latest

Ben Shapiro:

Social liberalism seeks to promote a "live and let live" society wherein all types of deviant behavior is tolerated and accepted. Those on the left have thrust their notion of a "civilized," amoral society upon all of us. The fact of the matter is that "live and let live" directly contradicts the notion of communal society; we all have to abide by certain rules to live together. An amoral society minimizes the rules under which we live together; any change in those rules is bound to affect all of us.

And it has. By discarding traditional morality in favor of amoralism, we have catered to the lowest common denominator.


We have successfully defined deviancy down; the deviant is now considered normal. Meanwhile, we have defined deviancy up; the normal is now considered deviant. And the effects upon my generation -- the porn generation -- have been disastrous. We are apathetic about morality, and that apathy translates into nihilism and narcissism -- and in the end, into generational self-destruction. Like it or not, the porn generation is the future of this country.

Killing bureaucracy

Senator Tom Coburn (OK-R):

One of the greatest impediments to the president's vision of an ownership society is an inside-the-Beltway entitlement society, in which federal agencies expect ever-increasing budgets, regardless of their performance. The Washington Times article linked above notes the creation of the "Sunset" and "Results" Commissions, which will look in to eliminating waste within, and possibly closing down, federal agencies or departments. It's about time.

On school choice

David Salisbury:

Whenever school choice programs are proposed in the United States, they face fierce opposition from critics who claim that school choice benefits mostly wealthy parents, drains money from the public system, and segregates students into racial or economic groups.

But the experiences of countries that have experimented with school choice indicate that these claims are unfounded. In most cases, the main beneficiaries have been poor families living in inner cities. In Hungary, where vouchers were introduced after the fall of communism, most new private schools have emerged in poor inner-city or rural areas, where access to good public schools is most limited.

Although private schools receive public funds on a per-child basis, they typically cost less than what the government pays to educate children in the public system. When more children choose private schools, public schools actually have more money to spend on students.

In Alberta, Canada, where children can attend either a private or public school, public schools have improved the quality and diversity of their programs. They have also focused more attention on parental satisfaction and academic outcomes. As a result, Alberta public schools continue to attract the bulk of local students.

Rather than segregate students into racial, educational, or economic groups, school choice seems to do just the opposite.

Whither goes federalism?

David Boaz, of the libertarian Cato Institute, notes that the current incarnation of the Republican Party has turned its back on federalism, abandoning the Reagan Revolution. Unfortunately, he's right. (It still won't convert me to the Libertarian Party, Tom, so don't bother.) I love the dig on the Dems, though:

But most liberals can't give up their addiction to centralization. Even as they rail against federal intervention in the Schiavo case -- arch-liberal Eleanor Holmes Norton, the District of Columbia's delegate in Congress, discovers for the first time in her life that "the bedrock of who we are" is the "Founders' limited vision of the federal government" -- they push for stricter regulations on pesticides and painkillers, a higher national minimum wage, and federal gun control laws.

Right investing

I've been reading this fascinating essay by James, Piereson, "Investing in the Right Ideas." His account of how the Democratic Party, once led by classical liberals, virtually overnight became the party of the whining, class-warfare, everyone-in-a-group, welfare-state cheerleaders we have come to know and loathe, is intriguing. In addition, the three states of how investing in modern conservative thinking came to be in this country is, of course, the focus of the essay and equally interesting.

Finally, liberalism itself came to be recast along interest-group lines. The welfare state was redefined from a package of programs through which Americans lent assistance to the poor, the sick and the disabled to a system through which certain defined groups could command government support as a matter of right and as compensation for past injustices. Society was cast as the guilty party, the recipients as its aggrieved victims. This sleight-of-hand in turn made it difficult for government to require the beneficiaries of its aid to adapt their behavior to the standards of middle-class life.

As liberalism gradually absorbed the adversarial assumptions of the age, group-based claims became ever more strident and accusations of discrimination and injustice multiplied. In time, the new order would erase those large-hearted features of liberal philosophy that had made it appealing to middle-class Americans from the 1930s through the 1960s.


The political world that these writers saw around them in the 1970s looked much different from the one that had so troubled Hayek in London in 1944. Instead of leading us down the path to collectivism, the welfare state had produced fragmentation, group conflict, disorder and a general loss of authority in society. In the United States, moreover, the welfare state had advanced itself not through the nationalization of industry but through incremental expansions of social programs and accretions to federal regulatory power. It was the intersection of these programs with the cultural revolution of the 1960s and '70s that gave rise, as the neoconservatives saw it, to urban crime, illegitimacy, broken families and educational failure. The contemporary problem was thus not so much collectivism or socialism as the loss of morale and self-confidence that was in some ways characteristic of all affluent societies--a problem to which classical liberalism did not promise any obvious solution.

Memorial Day

Please take a moment today, amidst your cook-outs and shopping, to pause for a minute or so, to honestly and truly meditate on, and remember, those who have given their lives in service of our nation. They are the reasons you are cooking out and shopping today. Jeff Jacoby offers the story of such an individual: Sergeant Rafael Peralta of Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 3d Marines, United States Marine Corps.

Judicial term limits

Jeff Jacoby makes a good case for judicial term limits. Can we please do this for members of Congress while we're at it?

Foreign trespassers

Ron Olliff:

'[I]llegal immigration' is an oxymoron. If it's immigration, it is not illegal, and if they are here illegally they are not immigrants, are they?

Maybe it's time that a more accurate term be coined to describe these people. I'll start the process -- how about 'foreign trespassers?' This is now the official term in use at Retrophisch™ Central.

What happens in Baghdad, stays in Baghdad

Can Iraq be the next adult playground? I wonder if they'd ever be able to convince Celine to move... [Via Best of the Web.]

Killing "public" broadcasting

Paul Jacob:

There is bias in news reporting and there always will be. That's hardly the problem. The problem is forcing people to pay for the bias and propaganda with which they disagree. As Jefferson once wrote, "To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical."

This sort of tyranny has become a fixation on the left. Leftist artists cannot seem to enjoy their craft without the controversy that comes from forcing people who are offended by it to pay the bill. Leftists also want public financing of political campaigns, so that Americans are forced to pay to promote political views they oppose. Of course, this could just be a pragmatic decision based on the realization that they cannot raise funds voluntarily. In his column Jacob notes a poll conducted by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which finances PBS and NPR. Only 8 percent of Americans watch PBS. Eight percent. Yet the argument is that PBS has shows that are important to the culture, or that no one else will carry. Maybe the reason no one else will carry them is because no one else is willing to pay for them. And I hardly think Antiques Roadshow qualifies as a important historical documentary series. We do watch PBS in our home. Thomas the Tank Engine and Bob the Builder. Two highly successful childrens' programs which would do fine on any of the pay-for networks we get through our satellite service. I've found of the other shows typically shown on PBS that I would find an interest in, I can find the same or similar type shows on Discovery or the History Channel. It's time to fully privatize the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, to cut the taxpayer-funding cord. Let PBS and NPR sink or swim in the free market. Ninety-two percent of Americans can't be wrong.

Absolutely brilliant

Well, we might as well go for the trifecta:

Yesterday we wondered what David French's "brilliant answer" was when a Cornell Law School job interviewer asked him, how, in light of his evangelical background, "is it possible for you to effectively teach gay students?" French e-mailed us with the answer:

I was surprised and pleased to see that you quoted from my talk to the American Enterprise Institute regarding intellectual diversity (or the lack thereof) and censorship on campus. I noted that you want to know my "absolutely brilliant answer" to the improper interview question. Before I tell you, I just want to make clear that the "absolutely brilliant" comment was made tongue-in-cheek in the speech and was played for laughs. I'm not really quite so full of myself. The truth is that I was fortunate to get the job perhaps in spite of my answer. I responded to the interviewer with the following statement:

<p>"I believe that all human beings are created in the image of God and should be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of whether I agree with their personal conduct or beliefs. I will treat all my students well, but I can't guarantee that they will treat me well when they learn that I'm a dreaded 'Christian conservative.'"</p>

<p>She responded with a long silence and then said, "I never thought of things from that perspective."</p>

There are lot of perspectives from which those who run our institutions of higher learning have never thought of things.

Reaction to offense: Muslim vs Christian

I'm sorry for another post from Best of the Web, but Taranto and company are simply on today:

Still, by way of comparison, recall that three years ago Palestinian Arab terrorists occupied the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. Priests reported that "gunmen tore up Bibles for toilet paper," according to the Daily Camera of Boulder, Colo. The Chicago Tribune noted after the siege that "altars had been turned into cooking and eating tables, a sacrilege to the religious faithful."

Christians in the U.S. responded by declining to riot and refraining from killing anyone. They had the same response 15 or so years ago when the National Endowment for the Arts was subsidizing the scatological desecration of a crucifix and other Christian symbols. This should also put to rest the oft-heard calumny that America's "religious right" is somehow a Christian equivalent of our jihadi enemies. This goes hand-in-hand with what Jeff has been saying.

The crusading media

Today's Best of the Web has what is quite possibly the best explanation of what has gone wrong with the mainstream media over the past forty years.

It's not just that the media are biased against conservatives and Republicans, though they certainly are. It is that they see every war as another Vietnam and every supposed scandal as another Watergate--at least when Republicans are in the White House, which they usually are.

The obsession with Vietnam and Watergate is central to the alienation between the press and the people. After all, these were triumphs for the crusading press but tragedies for America. And the press's quest for more such triumphs--futile, so far, after more than 30 years--is what is behind the scandals at both Newsweek and CBS.


The problem in all three cases is that news organizations were so zealous in their pursuit of the next quagmire or scandal that they forgot their first obligation, which is to tell the truth. Until those in the mainstream media are willing to acknowledge that it is this crusading impulse that has led them astray, we are unlikely to see the end of such journalistic scandals.

Ann Coulter to move to Iraq

Radical Left falls over itself volunteering packing help. Soros confirms he will cover all moving expenses. Bill Maher "despondent." News at 11.

Why we fight

Guy Cannon:

This pretty much says it all.

Let's stop the victimization of the poor

Walter E. Williams:

Here's my question for you: What are we to make of people who preach pessimism and doom to people -- telling them that they're poor because others are rich or telling blacks that they'll never make it because of societal racism? What are we to make of politicians, media pundits and college professors who preach the politics of envy -- telling people lies that the rich became rich off the backs of the poor? I grew up poor in a housing project in North Philadelphia, and those weren't the lessons prevalent a half-century ago. My mother used to preach that "We have a beer pocketbook but champagne tastes." And my stepfather used to admonish, "If you want to make it in this world, you have to come early and stay late." Those messages are far more beneficial to a poor person than those of victimhood and pity.

Hitler was a leftist

So I noticed Tom posted his score on a "Are you a Republican?" meme. With the knowledge that I do lean to the right of center, and have voted mostly Republican since being old enough to vote, I knew my score would probably be higher than Tom's, but went to look at the "test" anyway. Question 4 seems to be a typical leftist shot at the right:

4) Hitler.

  • Typical of the Patriarchy.
  • The ultimate Republican.
  • A brilliant but sadly deranged leader.
  • He had the right idea.

The left likes to equate the current Bush administration, and any conservative they don't care for, with Adolf Hitler. This is quite laughable, mainly because Hitler was a leftist. Nazism was/is a left-of-center ideal. The term "Nazi" came from "National Socialist". Socialism, as we all should know, is a left-of-center ideal, closely related to Communism. The original party, formed in 1919, was the German Workers Party (sounds very Karl Marx, doesn't it?). After exerting major influence within the party, Hitler and his cabal changed the name to the National Socialist German Workers Party. Socialist. Left of center. The Nazis, through Hitler, nationalized most, if not all of Germany's industry. How very Marxist/Leninist of them. Left of center. Quite frankly, I'm tired of those of us on the right being compared to the Nazis. Right-of-center value systems didn't spawn something on the order of 50 million people being killed in the 20th century. Left-of-center "value" systems did.

We have met the enemy, and he is us

So the Toad directed my attention to a rant by Kim du Toit on how the ATF views law-abiding gun owners, in light of quotes from Gerald Nunziato, the former head of ATF's National Tracing Center. I think it's pretty clear how this government bureaucracy views gun owners, simply from the name of the agency. After all, we're just a bunch of beer-swilling, tobacco-chewing or cigarette-smoking rednecks who like to go blow holes in highway signs, aren't we?