Stone Brewing Co.’s giveaway sticker. I wholeheartedly endorse this sentiment. (Taken with picplz.)

I love Twitter timeline serendipity. (Taken with picplz.)

Jesus loves dinner time
Tonight at the dinner table, Samuel decided it was time to do a little singing.
Jesus loves dinner time from Chris Turner on Vimeo.
LEGO Star Wars: Bombad Bounty
Makes me laugh every time I watch it. My boys and I love it. (Make sure you choose the 720 HD version.)
Davis: "That's funny."
Samuel: "Again!" (And again, and again, and again, and again...)
Ben Kenobi: Private Jedeye
Yeah, it's been floating around the Interwebs for a while now, but it's still great.
Get well soon, Charlie.
Because: "That's how you do it, son."
(I love the little point with the breadstick at the end. My favorite part.)
Featuring my all-time favorite Muppet:
Via Brent, who gave me a very appreciated laugh by telling me about it last night.
"I am on a mission"
The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs:
Will you write on a tablet, or just read from it? Or will you just buy it and put it on your desk and look at it a lot and never use it at all? Or will you maybe carry it around and put on the table in restaurants to show the other humanoids in your tribe that you are more advanced and wealthy than they are, and they should fear you because you have powerful magic that they do not understand? You see what I mean? What is the anthropology here? And what about the ergonomics? Can you mount it on a wall? Will it have a shiny surface so that Macolytes can adore themselves as they use it in public? (Yes. It must.) The tablet must look and feel not like something that was made by man -- it must feel otherworldly, as if God himself made it and handed it to you. I'm so glad Fake Steve came back.