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ATPM 12.12

The December issue of About This Particular Macintosh is now available for your reading pleasure. We debut a new column this month, with Lee's Photoshop for the Curious. As he notes, this is not a "Photoshop for Beginners"-type tutorial, but rather a look at various elements of Photoshop that occasional users would benefit from. If you're a Photoshop Elements user like myself, you will find that many of the tips translate well. Mike Chamberlain offers his personal tour of the Macintosh blogosphere in this month's Mac of All Trades, while Miraz puts SeakMonkey through the web-accessibility wringer. Sylvester continues looking at Activity Monitor, this time using it to plug memory leaks. (Those would be leaks in the Mac's memory, not Sylvester's. His memory is just fine. At least it appears that way to the rest of the staff.) This month's desktop pictures are brought to us by our Mr. Chamberlain, taken on his European sojourn this past summer. We continue to see the genesis of Cortland's employment at Wieser Graphics, while dark forces prep their move to the Midwest. Lee has a double-dose of reviews this month, looking at Rogue Amoeba's Fission and the media device, iRecord. Matthew pokes around with OpenMenu X, while David notes one of my favorite iTunes utilities, Synergy. Finally, for all you gamers, Andrew rocks on some first-person shooters as he puts the Tankstick through its paces. As always, this issue of ATPM is available in a variety of reading formats for your enjoyment.