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New toy

Santa was very good to the Retrophisch™ this year. By way of Missus Phisch, the jolly old elf delivered a Canon PowerShot S500 Digital Elph, an extra Maxell battery for the new camera, and a Lowepro Rezo 20 belt case. The Rezo holds the camera, the extra battery, and an extra Compact Flash card perfectly. We had Christmas dinner at the home of some close friends, and below is the second of the first two shots taken with the S500. Yes, it's the little phisch, playing with their dog, Sam, and a toy lightsaber he discovered under the couch.

Davis having fun, Christmas 2004

I have had my eye on the S500 for quite some time. While I love my PowerShot G3, I have longed for a compact point-and-shoot digital that I could easily carry anywhere and everywhere, and now I have it!