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Categories no more

So after deliberating over whether or not to eliminate categories--and thank you so much for all those comments with feedback--I have decided to can the categories on this and all of my blogs. (Seriously, I do thank those few who did weigh in on the issue, either through comments, e-mail, or instant message.) I feel Raena summed it up best in an IM: "Seeing as how you have the uber blog empire, I wonder whether it's worth using categories either. If you were using one blog for all that stuff, then yeah." After replying that she flattered me--while I'm running five separate public blogs, I in no way feel I have a "blog empire" a la my favorite n3rdling--Raena then stated the obvious, which I suppose I hadn't really considered: "Seriously, though. You have separate blogs for separate interests, so I don't see that categories are as much of a concern." She's right. Initially, everything was posted under Retrophisch, and categories were a necessity. No longer, however. With the different blogs for different interests, categories within each blog seemed nitpickish and maybe even a wee bit obsessive-complusive. Yeah, I think we can do away with anything obsessive-compulsive... While I will no longer be posting within categories, the old category pages are still there, if you know how to find them, or you previously linked to or bookmarked them.